Become a Member

Why become a member?

  • By joining our membership, you will be able to participate in committees and in all important decisions related to the trust.

  • We only send news to our members. This includes opportunities to join time-limited advisory groups related to specific developments or sites in the neighbourhood, and notices of available units in our buildings.

  • Our staff, committee chairs and board members may take note of your interest area, residence or place of work and make relevant connections to projects and news we receive affecting your specific area of the neighbourhood.

Who can become a member?

  • Anyone above 16! Our members include current and former residents of the neighbourhood, property owners, workers in the shops new and old, business owners upstairs and on the street level, politicians or former politicians interested in the neighbourhood, people who have done their groceries here every week, visitors who have fallen in love with the neighbourhood and people who have never lived here but want to learn about and support the community land trust model.

  • We always attempt to make decisions by consensus, and any member can participate in discussion / make persuasive arguments. However if necessary for formality sake, or if an issue cannot reach consensus, we may call a vote during our meetings. In this case only specifically defined (see below) Community Members and Resident Members are eligible to cast a vote. Supporter Members have voice but no vote.

Bylaw 2.02 "Membership"

As per Bylaw 2.02, there are three categories of membership in the Kensington Market Community Land Trust:

  • Resident Membership. Any person 16 years of age or over, who supports the objects and activities of the Corporation and is a permanent resident of a property owned by the Corporation, is eligible to be a Resident Member.

  • Community Membership. Any person 16 years of age or over, who supports the objects and activities of the Corporation and lives or works within the geographic boundaries of activities of the Corporation as set by the Board of Directors from time to time, or is otherwise approved for Community Membership by the Board of Directors, is eligible to be a Community Member. The geographic boundaries for our Community Membership is the area bounded by the west side of Spadina Avenue, the south side of College Street, the east side of Bathurst Street, and the north side of Dundas Street.

  • Supporter Membership. Any person 16 years of age or over, or a corporation, partnership or proprietorship which operates a for-profit enterprise, or a not-for-profit association, organization or corporation which operates inside of the geographic boundaries of activities of the Corporation as set by the Board of Directors from time to time, or is otherwise approved for Supporter Membership by the Board of Directors, and who or which supports the objects and activities of the Corporation, is eligible to be a Supporter Member.

Land AcknowledgementWe, as members of the Kensington Market Community Land Trust, are aware that we are a settler organization. Kensington Market sits in the traditional territory of many nations, including the Mississaugas of the Credit (an Anishnaabe people), the Haudenosaunee Confederacy, the Wendat and Petun Nations, land which is now home to many First Nations, Inuit and Métis.

This land is covered by the Dish With One Spoon wampum belt covenant, an agreement by the Six Nations of the Haudenosaunee to share resources equally and peaceably. It is also covered by Treaty 13 with the Mississaugas of the Credit. As a settler organization concerned with land ownership, we acknowledge that we have broken the treaties. Our work for the well-being of this land must include accountability to our relatives.

More Community Groups
Friends of Kensington Market
Kensington Market Historical Society
Kensington Market BIA
Kensington Market Action Committee

Our Contact

Mailing Address:
103 Bellevue Avenue,
Toronto, ON, Canada
