54/56 Kensington Avenue

As of June 1st, 2021, with the help of Councillor Mike Layton and anonymous neighbourhood donors, we have acquired the building at 54-56 Kensington Ave, it is now in community hands!

The building has 12 existing residential units, most of which are currently affordable housing units, as well as 5 commercial spaces, including a beloved variety store.

54/56 Kensington Ave is also home to the iconic Mona Lisa mural painted by Peter Matayas in the 1980’s.

Residents, volunteers and staff tell the story of how we bought 54/56 Kensington Avenue in this webinar. Click play to watch the recording.

Land AcknowledgementWe, as members of the Kensington Market Community Land Trust, are aware that we are a settler organization. Kensington Market sits in the traditional territory of many nations, including the Mississaugas of the Credit (an Anishnaabe people), the Haudenosaunee Confederacy, the Wendat and Petun Nations, land which is now home to many First Nations, Inuit and Métis.

This land is covered by the Dish With One Spoon wampum belt covenant, an agreement by the Six Nations of the Haudenosaunee to share resources equally and peaceably. It is also covered by Treaty 13 with the Mississaugas of the Credit. As a settler organization concerned with land ownership, we acknowledge that we have broken the treaties. Our work for the well-being of this land must include accountability to our relatives.

More Community Groups
Friends of Kensington Market
Kensington Market Historical Society
Kensington Market BIA
Kensington Market Action Committee

Our Contact

Mailing Address:
103 Bellevue Avenue,
Toronto, ON, Canada
